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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Osteoporosis drugs may double risk of gullet cancer

Drugs taken by people suffering from osteoporosis may double their risk of developing oesophageal cancer, British researchers have warned.
Thousands of people worldwide are diagnosed with oesophageal cancer or cancer of gullet, and its survival rates are low compared to other cancers.  Among the general population of people aged 60 to 79, the chance of developing oesophageal cancer is about one in 1000 over five years.
Researchers from the University of Oxford's Cancer Epidemiology Unit and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency found that those who have taken oral bisphosphonates for over years are twice as likely to develop the cancer than those who have not.  Oral bisphosphonates are a type of drug used to treat osteoporosis and other bone diseases and are the most commonly recommended treatment for such conditions.
The experts, who used a huge public database to analyse the disease the disease, found that it increased from 1.5 to 3 per 1000 men and 0.5 to 1 per 1000 women.  The results also showed that the chance of oesophageal cancer was 30% higher in people with one or more previous prescriptions for oral bisphosphonates, compared to people who had never taken the drugs, the Telegraph reported.

(Source: An Article in The Times Of India, 04.09.2010)

Ayurveda has a better lime of treatment for osteoporosis. As I have mentioned in one of my previous postings regarding Osteoporosis, there so many Effective Ayurvedic Treatments and Medicines for better results in Osteoporosis.

There may be some people to give a false impression about Ayurveda that Ayurvedic medicines contain lead and highly poisonous metals. Lead is also a medicine. But there are thousand plus variety of other medicines mentioned in texts and used as classical preparations.  These medicines are as it is since they originated by charaka, sushruta etc etc.  These great people are not mad to add Lead in every medicine.  Those people who are not able to understand the power of Ayurveda and those who fear Ayurveda if grows may effect their profession will only make such opinions and try to misguide people.

Those who shout against Ayurveda, i have one thing to ask, what about the huge variety of chemicals that are used as medicines (so called) in allopathy.  Are they not harmful to body?  There are doctors who give high doses inorder to get fast results and by which they can get better practice.  This is like someone is licensed to prescribe poison.  What a funny thing.

Those who give wrong information about Ayurveda to people, please try to understand that whatever knowledge we have is not complete. Leave your ego and try to know the things and then talk. Even a great doctor or well experience doctor learns from his patients and gets a new experience. Ayurvedic Rishis were not mad.  They prepared medicines and those medicines are still not changed even after thousands of years.

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