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Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Hindi Name


Bhui Amla

Sanskrit Name



Common Name


Bhumi Amla

Latin Name


Phylanthus Nerurie Linn




Whole plant of Bhui amla is used in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is helpful for indigestion, Jaundice, hyperacidity and for flatulence. It is also effective for chronic cough, asthma, fevers, toxic conditions and supports digestive system. It is a good rejuvenating and revitalizing herb. It has excellent blood purification properties thus help to remove toxins from human system and removes cause of disease. Regular use of Bhui amla is used in general debility in elderly and debilitating patients. Juice of whole plant is given for liver protection. Paste of bhumyamalaki made with buttermilk is recommended in jaundice.

The herb is bitter in taste and is reported to possess astringent, deobstruent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and antiseptic properties. Fresh and dried plants are used in treatment of jaundice. The plant is ingredient of many polyherbal drugs of Ayurveda that are used in the treatment of jaundice. Chemical compounds - Phyllanthin Hypophyllanthin exhibit pronounced antihepatotoxic properties. It pacifies kapha and pitta dosha (Liquid and Heat Energy)

At IVAC, this herb is used extensively in treating all acute and chronic viral hepatitis, administered in the form of paste and fresh juice of the whole plant along with few other herbs. There were proven records of drastic reduction in the bilirubin level in the blood after the intake of our medication along with our detoxification therapy and rejuvenation therapy.


http://www.ayurindus.com/newsletters/images18/om.gif Hepatitis:

Inflammation of the liver that is associate

d with damage or death of liver cells is Hepatitis. There are two types, acute hepatitis (attack that eventually heals) and chronic hepatitis (ongoing liver problems).

This condition may result from various infectious and non-infectious etiologies. Infectious etiologies include viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic organisms. Medications, toxins, alcohol and autoimmune disorders may cause noninfectious hepatitis. Viruses cause most cases of hepatitis. The type of hepatitis is named for the virus that causes it, for example, hepatitis A

, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. You can help prevent some viral forms by getting a vaccine. Sometimes hepatitis goes away by itself. If it does not, it can be treated with drugs. Sometimes hepatitis lasts a lifetime.

Some people who have hepatitis have no symptoms. Others may have loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dark-colored urine and pale bowel movements, abdominal discomfort, yellowish dis-colouration of eyes and skin, bloating sensation of abdomen, fever.

The only treatment for hepatitis is rest, combined with a high protein/high carbohydrate diet to repair damaged liver cells a

nd protect the liver. For treatment of nonviral hepatitis, the doctor will first remove the harmful substance by flushing out the stomach by inducing vomiting or hyperventilation. If necessary, the patient with drug-induced hepatitis may have to be treated with corticosteroids. With the exception of the treatments for specific causes of Hepatitis mentioned previously, the treatment of Hepatitis usually requires a diagnosis of the specific cause of the hepatitis and treatment directed at the specific cause, e.g., removal of a gallstone blocking the bile duct.

Ayurvedic approach of Hepatitis (Yakrit Shoth):

In Ayurveda viral hepatitis is known as yakrit shoth, shoth means swelling and yakrit mean liver. Its main reason is an increase of pitta dosha or it can be agantooj (external) according to Ayurveda.

Acute hepatitis usually results in jaundice

, which is a yellowish pigmentation of the eyes, urine, and later, the nails and skin. This is called as "Kamla" in Ayurveda, and is divided into two types: "Bahupitta Kamla" and "Ruddhapath Kamla". The first type is caused by excessive breakdown of the red blood cells, whereas the second type is caused by obstruction of bile flow due to swelling in the liver cells or due to some actual obstruction in the bile duct. The main apparent difference in the two is that feces (stools) are normal colored in the first type, and pale or whitish in the second type. Treatment for both types of "Kamla" is radically different. Ayurvedic medicines are very effective in both acute and chronic hepatitis. Herbal medicines useful in hepatitis are: Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Trikatu (Three pungent herbs), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis

paniculata), Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Triphala (Three fruits), Kakmachi (Solanum nigrum) and Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea).

Most of these medicines act directly on the liver cells, reduce inflammation and swelling, and normalize cell function. Some of these medicines have strong anti-viral activity. Some medicines boost the immune me

chanism of the body. These medicines help in bile secretion and improve appetite. Because of these properties, the medicines are effective in all types of hepatitis. Give this hard-working and essential part of your body a rest and a tune-up.

Ayurveda is an integrated system of specific theories and techniques employing diet, herbs, exercise, meditation, yoga and massage or bodywork. The treatments of Hepatitis include a set of appropriate Panchakarma treatments and other supportive therapies. A mild Virechana Panchakarma (The purgation therapy) will be better useful in detoxification of the liver and improves the functions of the liver and prevent the further damage of the liver cells. Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Sashtikashali pinda sweda, Sarvanga dhara are helpful to strengthen the nerve endings and improve the metabolism as well as blood circulation for each and every cells of the liver. The treatment comprises diet regulations, daily regimens with yoga and a stress free lifestyle along with an excellent rejuvenating therapy to improve the immunity thereby providing great relief from the symptoms of Hepatitis.

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