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Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Must Visit Santhigiri Ashram


A huge white lotus is blooming slowly but steadily in Santhigiri Ashram where the never ending waves of spirituality beyond religion persist. This marvel of unblemished white marble is being constructed at the Santhigiri Ashram, Pothencode to propagate the reverent kindness and love of Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru. The "Parnasala" of the Ashram, which was a small thatched hut whenNavajyothisree Karunakara Guru established the Ashram in 1968, is the spiritual centre taking its bloom as the white lotus. The structure, standing at 91 feet tall and 84 feet diameter is the largest of its kind in the world. The shrine constructed in the shape of a lotus in full bloom has 12 petals (representing Twelve ‘Rasi’) in the top, 9 petals (representing nine ‘Griham’) towards its base and 27 pillars (representing 27 'Nakshatrams'). Each petal in the top with 41 feet height, and each base petal with 31 feet height exhibits an exceptional architectural skill compared to its contemporaries. It is indeed a new and varied experience to take a bird's eye view from the sky- a lotus in the colour of purity blooming amidst a green sea composed of the big trees and dense vegetation of the Ashram; with its white petals taking a peek in between beautiful blue clouds!

The foundation stone of the structure was laid by the Guru apparent of the Ashram, Sishyapoojitha Amritha Jnana Thapaswini in 2001. Since then, the construction work hasn’t been interrupted, not even for a day. Inside the Parnasala, Guru's resting place (sanctum sanctorum) is made in the shape of a lotus bud carved out of wood. The interior of this tomb of 27 feet height and 21 feet diametre, is imprinted with brass. In front of the sanctum sanctorum, there is a wooden mandapam called "Balalayam"-. 21 pillars niched out of wood at sarakudeera and the mandapa are the finest examples of the artistic and sculptural expertise. This Balalaya is guarded by two wooden elephants carved in rosewood. The entire floor is paved with ‘Krishnashila’ brought from Chamraj nagar district of Kanataka. Dhyana, meditation and prayers can be performed here.

The entrance to the Parnashala is through a gorgeous garden. The parnasala is constructed without disturbing the greenery of the existing landscape. There are 12 rooms in the upper floors intended to store Guru’s belongings. All the doors including the main entrance are operated with magnetic reversal technique. LCD lamps fitted in outside corners will light up the inside of the Parnasala. Parnasala is constructed on the Vaasthu shastra and architectural patterns disclosed by Guru. This epitome of world peace and religious harmony will be unveiled to the world by 12 September 2010.
Navajyothisree Karunakara Guru was born in a humble family on September 1, 1927, Thursday, at Chandiroor, a small village in Alappuzha district of Kerala. Through relentless efforts, great sacrifices, strong conviction and endless perseverance, Guru completed the mission of establishing the Yuga Dharma for this Age (Kali Yuga Dharma). Hundreds of thousands of devotees from different parts of the world, irrespective of class, caste, creed, colour or culture, have accepted the path of Karma and Dharma revealed by the Guru.

On May 6, 1999, Guru left the physical body and merged with Adi Sankalpam - the Primordial Consciousness, the Source of Creation. It was then revealed from the Supreme Light of the Almighty that the Guru's body should be laid to rest in the Parnasala itself.The sacred monument in the form of blossomed White Lotus will be the architecutral excellence of this universe in keeping all its Divine significance.


Ref: www.santhigiriashram.org
Me with Dr.Rajkumar                                            
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment with Turmeric

One of the most helpful home remedies for bronchitis is the use of turmeric powder. Half a teaspoon of this powder must be taken daily, mixed with half a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It performs great when taken on an empty stomach. One of the good home remedies for bronchitis.

Bronchitis treatment with Ginger

One more successful remedy for bronchitis is a mixture consisting of half a teaspoon each of the powder of ginger, pepper, and cloves, thrice a day. It may be licked with honey or taken as a mixture with tea. The mixture of these three elements has also antipyretic characters and is helpful in reducing fever associated bronchitis. It also boost up the metabolism of the patient.

Bronchitis treatment with Onion

Onions have been used as a medicine for bronchitis for centuries. They are said to possess expectorant characteristics. They dissolve phlegm and avoid its further formation. One teaspoon of raw onion juice, first thing in the morning, is very useful in such cases. One of the well liked home remedies for bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment with Spinach

Fifty grams of fresh leaves of spinach and 250 ml of water must be mixed with a bit of ammonium chloride and one teaspoonful of honey. This mixture is a helpful expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis. One of the effective home remedies for bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment via Sesame Seeds

A mixture of one teaspoon of sesame seeds, mixed with a teaspoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a teaspoon of honey, can be given once at night with helpful effects in bronchitis. Half a teaspoon of dry seeds crushed into powder should be given mixed with two tablespoons of water, two times every day. Alternately, a decoction of half a teaspoon of the same must be taken two times every day.

Bronchitis treatment with Almond

An emulsion of almonds is helpful in bronchial sickness, including bronchitis. It is made by making a powder of seven most important parts of almonds and mixing the powdered kernels in a cup of orange or lemon juice. This mixture may be taken once every day at night. One of the best home remedies for bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment with Chicory

Chicory or endive is one more effectual home remedy for bronchitis. The powder of the dry root of this herb must be given in dosage of half a teaspoon mixed with one teaspoonful of honey three times daily. It is a very helpful expectorant in chronic bronchitis.

Bronchitis treatment with Linseed

A hot poultice of linseed (alsi) must be useful over the front and back of the chest. This poultice may be made by combination of one cup or sixteen tablespoons of the seeds with an amount of hot water, sufficient to change them into a humid mealy mass. This should then be applied cautiously. Turpentine may also be massaged over the chest. One of the safe and effective home remedies for bronchitis

Bronchitis diet

Orange juice and water

In sharp bronchitis, the patient must fast on orange juice and water till the acute symptoms collapse. Thereafter, he must accept an all-fruit diet for two or three days.

All-fruit diet and after that well-balanced diet

In case of chronic bronchitis, the patient can start with an all-fruit diet for five to seven days, taking three meals in a day of fresh juicy fruits and after the all-fruit diet, he must pursue a well-balanced diet with emphasis on seeds, nuts, grains, raw vegetables, and fresh fruits. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water, or cold/hot simple water may be taken.

Other Bronchitis treatments

Hot Epsom salts bath

A hot Epsom salts bath each night or every other night is precious during the acute stages of the attack. This bath is made by dissolving 1 ½ kg of Epsom salt in 60 litres of water having warmth of 37.8"C. The patient must stay immersed in the bath for about 20-25 minutes..

Hot towels application over upper chest pursued by cold towel

Hot towels squeeze out and applied over the upper chest are cooperative in both chronic and acute bronchitis. After applying three hot towels in turn for two or three minutes each, one must forever finish off with a cold towel. A cold pack can be applied to the upper chest a number of times daily in acute circumstances. The procedure is to squeeze out some linen stuff in cold water, wrap it two or three times surrounding the affected part and cover it with flannel. The pack can stay for about an hour at a time.

Fresh air and outdoor movements

Fresh air and outdoor exercise are also necessary for the treatment of bronchitis. The patient is recommended to take a morning walk each day.

Yogic kriyas

He should also perform yogic kriyas (cleansing workout) such as jalneti and vamandhauti, and yogic asanas (body positions) such as ekpaduttanasana, yogamudra, bhujangasana, shalabhasana, padmasana, and shavasana. Easy pranayamas (breath-hoIding procedures) like kapalbhati, anuloma-viloma, ujjai, and bhramari will also be helpful.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Lecithin, also a fatty food substance and the most plentiful of the phospholipids, is useful in case of increase in cholesterol level. It has the capability to break up cholesterol into little particles which can be easily handled by the system. With enough intake of lecithin, cholesterol cannot assemble up against the walls of the arteries and veins. Lecithin also enlarge the production of bile acids made from cholesterol, thus reducing its amount in the blood, Egg yolk, vegetable oils, wholegrain cereals, soyabeans, and unpasturised milk are wealthy sources of lecithin. The cells of the body are also capable of making it as needed, if several of the B vitamins are present. One of the effective home remedies for cholesterol
Vitamins B6, choline, and inositol are mostly effective in reducing the level of blood cholesterol. Wheat germ, yeast, or vitamin B extracted from bran contains high capacity of these vitamins. Vitamin E also raises blood lecithin and reduces cholesterol. The patient must take moderate quantities of vitamin E-rich foods such as sunflower seeds, safflower, soyabean oils, butter, and sprouted seed and grains.
Sunflower seeds are precious in lowering high blood cholesterol. They contain a considerable quantity of linoleic acid, which is the fat useful in reducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of arteries. Substituting sunflower seeds for a number of the solid fats like butter and cream will, therefore, lead to great improvement in health. One of the useful home remedies for cholesterol
Usual drinking of a decoction of coriander seeds helps lower blood cholesterol. It is a high-quality diuretic and helps rouse the kidneys. It is prepared by boiling two tablespoons of dried out seeds in a glass of water and straining the decoction after cooling. This decoction must be taken two times daily.
The basil ishabgul has been found useful in the treatment of high cholesterol level. The oil of the seeds of this plant msut be given for lowering blood cholesterol. It holds fifty per cent linoleic acid. This oil is more active than safflower oil, and one teaspoon must be taken twice each day. One of the poular home remedies for cholesterol
The quantity of fibre in the diet also influences the cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol can be lowered by taking diets rich in fibres. The most important sources of dietary fibre are unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, rye; legumes such as potatoes, carrots and turnips, fruits such as mangoes and guavas; and green vegetables such as cabbage, lady’s fingers, lettuce and celery. Oat bran and corn bran are especially useful in lowering LDL cholesterol.
To lower the risk of heart disease, it is necessary to lower the level of LDL and increase the level of HDL. This can be attained by a modification in diet and lifestyle. As a first step, foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, which directs to an increase in the LDL level, should be reduced to the smallest amount. These foodstuffs are eggs, organic meats, cheese, butter, bacon, beef, and whole milk.
Almost all foods of animal origin, as well as two vegetable oils, namely, coconut and palm, are high in saturated fats, and these must be replaced by polyunsaturated fats such as corn, safflower, and soyabean, and sesame oils which tend to lower the level of LDL.
Persons with high blood cholesterol level must drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day, as copious drinking of water arouses the excretory activity of the skin and kidneys. This, in turn, makes possible elimination of excessive cholesterol from the system.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Home Remedies for Blackheads

  • Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to get rid of blackheads. This works as the super natural home remedy for blackheads.
  • To make home remedy for blackheads mix glycerin soap, fuller's earth (multani mutti), and almond powder in the ratio of 2:1:4 i.e. for each 20 gram of glycerin soap add 10 grams of fuller's earth with 40 grams of almond powder. Place boiled water and make a paste and apply on the blackheads.
  • Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek (methi) leaves in water over the face each night and washed with warm water in the morning for preventing blackhead and whitehead. This is good home remedies for blackheads
  • Apply a decoction on the face, ready by boiling 1 teaspoon fenugreek (dana methi, methi) seeds in 1 liter water for some minutes for preventing blackhead and dryness. This is an useful home remedy for blackhead
  • Steam your face for 5 minutes with the support of sterilized cotton wool and facial tissue to squeeze out blackhead
  • Apply grated potatoes as poultice to cure skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc. This is effective home remedies for blackheads.
  • Create a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, pimple, blackhead removal and whiteheads.
  • To make effectiveh home remedies for blackheads mix groundnut oil with an equivalent amount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. Stay for 10-15 minutes and wash. It must be applied daily to prevent formation of blackhead.
  • Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face each night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, blackhead will vanish forever. One of the good home remedies for blackheads
  • Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on blackhead and dark spots -- an efficient and easy to made home remedy for blackhead.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Know Ayurveda

Ayurveda has fully described the science of life in biological terms extending the knowledge in a systematic manner describing the Phenomenon of health, disease, methods of diagnostics, prognostics, and health care both Promotive, Preventive and Curative.  Because of such developments, Ayurveda could emerge as a complete system of Health Science and Medicine.

When one compares Ayurveda with contemporary Western Medicine, he may perceive that Ayurveda is an Experimental Science in contrast to Western Medical Science which is largely Experimental.  Ayurveda is a classical Holistic Health Science as compared to Modern Medicine which is essentially a Reductionistic science.  Ayurveda is dominantly Philosophical and Physiological in its presentation while modern medicine is more physical and anatomical.  Ayurveda is strongly Pro-Nature as compared to modern medicine which may appear many times Anti-Nature.  It is a diet and life style oriented system of health science in contrast to the drug and surgery oriented nature of modern medicine.  Ayurveda is strongly promotive and preventive system of medicine as compared to Western Medicine where the main concern is disease and cure.  Thus Ayurveda is a highly positive system of Medicine and Health Science.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Hindi Name


Bhui Amla

Sanskrit Name



Common Name


Bhumi Amla

Latin Name


Phylanthus Nerurie Linn




Whole plant of Bhui amla is used in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is helpful for indigestion, Jaundice, hyperacidity and for flatulence. It is also effective for chronic cough, asthma, fevers, toxic conditions and supports digestive system. It is a good rejuvenating and revitalizing herb. It has excellent blood purification properties thus help to remove toxins from human system and removes cause of disease. Regular use of Bhui amla is used in general debility in elderly and debilitating patients. Juice of whole plant is given for liver protection. Paste of bhumyamalaki made with buttermilk is recommended in jaundice.

The herb is bitter in taste and is reported to possess astringent, deobstruent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and antiseptic properties. Fresh and dried plants are used in treatment of jaundice. The plant is ingredient of many polyherbal drugs of Ayurveda that are used in the treatment of jaundice. Chemical compounds - Phyllanthin Hypophyllanthin exhibit pronounced antihepatotoxic properties. It pacifies kapha and pitta dosha (Liquid and Heat Energy)

At IVAC, this herb is used extensively in treating all acute and chronic viral hepatitis, administered in the form of paste and fresh juice of the whole plant along with few other herbs. There were proven records of drastic reduction in the bilirubin level in the blood after the intake of our medication along with our detoxification therapy and rejuvenation therapy.


http://www.ayurindus.com/newsletters/images18/om.gif Hepatitis:

Inflammation of the liver that is associate

d with damage or death of liver cells is Hepatitis. There are two types, acute hepatitis (attack that eventually heals) and chronic hepatitis (ongoing liver problems).

This condition may result from various infectious and non-infectious etiologies. Infectious etiologies include viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic organisms. Medications, toxins, alcohol and autoimmune disorders may cause noninfectious hepatitis. Viruses cause most cases of hepatitis. The type of hepatitis is named for the virus that causes it, for example, hepatitis A

, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. You can help prevent some viral forms by getting a vaccine. Sometimes hepatitis goes away by itself. If it does not, it can be treated with drugs. Sometimes hepatitis lasts a lifetime.

Some people who have hepatitis have no symptoms. Others may have loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dark-colored urine and pale bowel movements, abdominal discomfort, yellowish dis-colouration of eyes and skin, bloating sensation of abdomen, fever.

The only treatment for hepatitis is rest, combined with a high protein/high carbohydrate diet to repair damaged liver cells a

nd protect the liver. For treatment of nonviral hepatitis, the doctor will first remove the harmful substance by flushing out the stomach by inducing vomiting or hyperventilation. If necessary, the patient with drug-induced hepatitis may have to be treated with corticosteroids. With the exception of the treatments for specific causes of Hepatitis mentioned previously, the treatment of Hepatitis usually requires a diagnosis of the specific cause of the hepatitis and treatment directed at the specific cause, e.g., removal of a gallstone blocking the bile duct.

Ayurvedic approach of Hepatitis (Yakrit Shoth):

In Ayurveda viral hepatitis is known as yakrit shoth, shoth means swelling and yakrit mean liver. Its main reason is an increase of pitta dosha or it can be agantooj (external) according to Ayurveda.

Acute hepatitis usually results in jaundice

, which is a yellowish pigmentation of the eyes, urine, and later, the nails and skin. This is called as "Kamla" in Ayurveda, and is divided into two types: "Bahupitta Kamla" and "Ruddhapath Kamla". The first type is caused by excessive breakdown of the red blood cells, whereas the second type is caused by obstruction of bile flow due to swelling in the liver cells or due to some actual obstruction in the bile duct. The main apparent difference in the two is that feces (stools) are normal colored in the first type, and pale or whitish in the second type. Treatment for both types of "Kamla" is radically different. Ayurvedic medicines are very effective in both acute and chronic hepatitis. Herbal medicines useful in hepatitis are: Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Trikatu (Three pungent herbs), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis

paniculata), Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Triphala (Three fruits), Kakmachi (Solanum nigrum) and Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea).

Most of these medicines act directly on the liver cells, reduce inflammation and swelling, and normalize cell function. Some of these medicines have strong anti-viral activity. Some medicines boost the immune me

chanism of the body. These medicines help in bile secretion and improve appetite. Because of these properties, the medicines are effective in all types of hepatitis. Give this hard-working and essential part of your body a rest and a tune-up.

Ayurveda is an integrated system of specific theories and techniques employing diet, herbs, exercise, meditation, yoga and massage or bodywork. The treatments of Hepatitis include a set of appropriate Panchakarma treatments and other supportive therapies. A mild Virechana Panchakarma (The purgation therapy) will be better useful in detoxification of the liver and improves the functions of the liver and prevent the further damage of the liver cells. Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Sashtikashali pinda sweda, Sarvanga dhara are helpful to strengthen the nerve endings and improve the metabolism as well as blood circulation for each and every cells of the liver. The treatment comprises diet regulations, daily regimens with yoga and a stress free lifestyle along with an excellent rejuvenating therapy to improve the immunity thereby providing great relief from the symptoms of Hepatitis.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What we can do in our life.....

Everyday, we start it with new hope and run behind something which we think we want to achieve and make our life meaningful. What is this life????? If somebody talks about some philosophy, we say that it is good to hear but not to follow. What LIFE means. None of us know our end. How we live is more important than how much we live.

Just think that you are sitting outside an ICU unit praying for your beloved one’s life. He/she is XYZ for you till his last second of life. But what makes him a “BODY” from his name after that his last second of life. Even though, he is very close/related to you, you will also call him “body” after his death. What is this that lies between the last second of his life and first second of his death? What about his relations, commitments, goals, hardwork, dreams etc etc after his last second of life….. No value. Somebody can follow him but how long. One day the follower will also undergo the same thing. But, we forget these things and live thinking that we are eternal. We want to better our standard of life and do all the efforts for that, forgetting that somebody is looking at us and hoping that atleast they get one tenth of what we have…

Everyday, when we dress, shave, makeup etc we think that “I should look good, or ok.” We compare our dress, height, hairstyle, bike, or car with others. If somebody looks at us we feel great and we dream and compare ourselves with those whom we think well than us. But those who look at us?????

There are people who dream for the one full meal, for better clothes, or atleast for the basic needs. There are parents who sacrifice everything for their children or try their level best to fill every stomach in the family.

What we learn from our life???? Nothing. We keep calculating and dreaming for the best and try for it calling it as positive thinking. But what good we do in this short life span. How much we are helping others without expecting anything in return.

Do something good to mankind. Help someone at your level best. You never and don’t know what tomorrow is? Do help someone without any expectation or your own benefit or a tax benefit. Do it from your heart. Don’t let others know about this, because you are doing this for yourself not for publicity or for tax benefit. Enjoy the happiness from this when you do such thing from your heart.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We are all lying in the matter of OUR AGE. 

Everybody is concerned about the age.  We are very curious about the changes i.e. natural changes according to our age. If it is a newborn, each month is a milestone.

But we consider our age after our birth, i.e. the age starts once we take take birth to this great material world live.  But what about the gestational age i.e. time period in mothers womb. Why we are not considering that particular important time of our life where we actually form and come to this world. But this important time period has no relevance after our birth. 

The gestation period is the only time where we will be so close to our mother, both physically and mentally.  We are 100% dependent on our mother. Living a life in her womb under her total care. 

Mother is the one who is happy when we grow.  Our each movements, growth and development makes her happiest in the world. 

I feel my life started with my mother not on the date when i born......................

Dr. Ushakiran